HRIS vs HRMS: Know the Difference!

The rapid advancement in technology has had its influence on every aspect of business. In order to stay competitive, organizations from every field, and not just the IT field, have switched to automation of business processes. There is a software available to cater to the operations of every department today. When it comes to the Human Resource department, we come across two key terms very often – HRMS and HRIS. Many people are left wondering about the difference between the two and what adds to the confusion is the fact that they are often used interchangeably.

HRMS stands for Human Resource Management System whereas HRIS stands for Human Resource Information System. While both of them are similar software, there are a few points where they differ. Here’s an overview of the similarities and differences.

What’s the Similarity?

Both HRMS AND HRIS are software designed to cater to the Human Resource department in an organization.
They are used to automate and manage the HR processes.
They have common benefits to bring to the organization, such as increased productivity of the HR department and boost in employee morale, among others.
What are the Differences?

Even though it’s a common occurrence to see the terms being used interchangeably, there are small differences between the two, based on 4 key parameters, as given below.

1] Objective:


It is a result of the introduction of information technology into the concept of HR management. The goal of the software is to simplify the organization of the information or data concerning the employees of an organization. It caters more to the numerical aspect of HR functions.


It is designed to do more than just manage information and data. HRMS is a complete package that offers a host of capabilities for every aspect of HR functionalities, which includes even the non-quantifiable aspects, such as training, employee motivation, recruitment of top talent and more.

2] Components:


At its core, Human Resource Information System consists of a database and it facilitates tracking of the information in the database and its analysis through report generation.


The Human Resource Management System comes with the complete set of functionalities for the management of every HR aspect that exists. It performs the important function of integrating information from different modules into a central database that is universally accessible.

3] Key Capabilities:


Time and Attendance
Incentives and Compensation
Tracking information and maintaining records

Along with the functions performed by the HRIS as mentioned above, the HRMS performs the following additional functions:

Performance Analysis
Benefits Administration
Insights for strategic decision making
4] Scope


It is recommended for small organizations with very basic HR functions to cater to.


It is more comprehensive than HRIS and is thus recommended for larger organizations with more employees and a wider range of HR functions to cater to.

The Final Word:

So, we can safely conclude that while Human Resource Information System focuses only on the quantifiable aspects of HR operations – the ones that involve numbers and data, Human Resource Management System is a more complete package. In other words, HRIS is a sub-set of HRMS.

The best providers of HRMS software today, such as GreytHR, Beehive, Digital HRMS and Zoho People, offer organizations the option to choose from a set of modules, to create a HR software that is in alignment with their business needs. Also, today we have vendors that provide HR software that are cloud-based with features that redefine the way we look at HR functions. What you choose depends on your organization’s needs. However, the bottom line is that your organization needs a HR Software to stay ahead of the game, so you must choose one. Whether you choose a HRMS or HRIS, makes little difference.

Tips for Finding a Dark Tanning Bed Lotion

The perfect tan. It’s something that we all want, but it’s harder for some to get that perfect look. For many of us, simply tanning in the sun won’t get us that perfect color, and that is where dark tanning bed lotion can help.

This special kind of tanning lotion is specially designed to give you a darker and more beautiful tan when using tanning beds. Packed with tanners and moisturizers, this lotion can quickly darken your skin to that perfect tone. But how do you find the right dark tanning bed lotion for your skin? Here are a few tips for picking the perfect one.

Consider Skin Tone

Our skin tone is a major factor when it comes to tanning. So much so that it has its own scale: the Fitzpatrick Scale. This scale actually details the types of skin and skin tones we have and how they interact with tanning. And while the science is quite complicated, the takeaway is simple: you need to think about your current skin tone before you tan. If you are lighter, then consider a dark tanning bed lotion that will help you darken safely. If you are already darker, then consider a lotion that can help deepen that color while keeping your skin healthy and moisturized.

Think About Your Skin’s Attributes

Some of us have been blessed with strong, elastic skin that can withstand powerful UV light and still stay fairly strong and smooth. Many of us have not. When you are looking for that perfect dark tanning bed lotion, it is as important to consider what type of skin you have along with the color you want to get. If your skin tends to be dry, for example, then you will want a tanning bed lotion that is packed with extra moisturizers. If your skin is quite pale and tends to burn easily, then you may want a lotion with built-in tanners to help protect your skin as you get that perfect tan.

Think About Your Skincare Routine

While tanning lotion is an important part of getting the perfect tan, so is the rest of your skincare routine. Think about what you are using on the tanning bed and at home. For example, make sure to use restorative products when using tanning beds frequently, and avoid products that will create too much of a barrier between your skin and your tanning bed. When you think about your entire routine, you can make sure that everything you do is helping your skin stay healthy and look great.

If you are considering tanning beds, or have yet to find that perfect tan tone that you want, then it may be time to pick up a dark tanning bed lotion. These lotions are specially designed to help people of any skin tone and type get the dark tan they desire. When picking out your next tanning lotion, be sure to think about your skin tone and type, along with any other products you use in your skincare routine. That way, you can find the right lotion to help your skin stay healthy and look great.

Unnecessary And Ineffective Foods To Avoid During Arthritis To Heal Faster

Arthritis is a major problem that lot of people around the world is suffering from and it affects the health to a great extent. There are simple remedies to keep arthritis in control. There are other types like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and related autoimmune diseases.

Septic arthritis is caused by joint infection and is also common. The most common complain and symptom that people who are suffering from arthritis observe is a constant pain that may be localized to the joint affected. The pain from arthritis is caused because of the inflammation that occurs around the joint, damage to the joint from disease. It could also be the result of daily wear and tear of joint, muscle strains that could result from forceful movements against stiff, painful joints and fatigue. There are common symptoms that include varied levels of pain, swelling, joint stiffness and sometimes a constant ache around the joints.

It is advised to avoid sugary candy. There are simple sugar found in foods like cookies, fruit juice, soft drinks and candy. They also contain refined carbohydrates. They increase the blood-sugar levels and cause inflammation. They worsen the situation and make arthritis and its symptoms worse. It is one of the ineffective foods to avoid during arthritis. It is advised to have a piece of fresh, fiber-rich fruit (paired with a handful of nuts or sunflower seeds to fulfill sugar rush)

It is advised to avoid highly sweetened artificial juices. It is one of the ineffective foods to avoid during arthritis. This has lot of added sugar that worsens the inflammation. It is advised to have natural jiggery instead as a safer option.

It is advised to avoid high external chemical products. These are usually taken by people as supplements but they worsen the situation as they contain high amount of sugar. It is one of the ineffective foods to avoid during arthritis.

It is advised to stay away from trans fat as they create troubles. They cause inflammation and worsen arthritis. It is one of the ineffective foods to avoid during arthritis.

It is advised to stay away from artificial painkillers. These painkillers could also aggravate pain. It should be avoided for the best results. It is one of the ineffective foods to avoid during arthritis.

The use of junk food in the diet is not healthy. It is advised to follow natural and organic diet. Junk food has effect on the body. It worsens the inflammation and makes it difficult to control the problem. It is one of the ineffective foods to avoid during arthritis.